November 5, 2013

Because all roads are not paved

Following an unpaved road might prove bumpy or smooth.  It can also open the door to experiences that create a renewed appreciation for the interconnection of man and his world.  Imagine’s recent three day journey offshore from Beaufort, NC to St. Augustine, FL brought us not only closer to warmer weather, but also to man and nature. 

Day one found Imagine zigging and zagging in an attempt to sail around U.S. Navy and Coast Guard vessels conducting exercises in the middle of our unpaved road.  Helicopters hovered in the skies and planes circled overhead as all non-military boats were cautioned to remain a mile away from the exercise zone. 

Two hours later, four miles off course, head sail now furled as Imagine was forced to turn out of the wind, Warship 5, notified Imagine that the ship was ready to do an about turn and head further out to sea. 

As Imagine worked its way back on course.  We listened to the Coast Guard redirect another boat that appeared on the horizon.  The boat was Tyler J, sailed by Nova Scotian sailors who we had sailed with for several months during our second season at sea.   Ed hailed them on the VHF.  They were headed for Charleston and eventually Belize.  Even in a vast ocean one can meet friends traveling along the unpaved road.

It was a sunny day, seas were calm and flat during this part of our off road adventure.
Later that day, and now 40 miles off shore, Ed stood watch as a small finch landed on the lifeline and hopped into the cockpit.  Making itself at home, the small bird began finding spiders hiding in the rigging and between the folds of the canvas.   At dusk, the small bird found a quiet nook in a fold of canvas and went to bed.

After sunrise, I came up for watch and the small hitchhiker startled me as it flew in under the dodger.  
For the next five hours I watch the little bird fly around the boat and come back several times with a large moth that he would wrestle with until it was subdued and ready to eat.   Ed poured water into the top of a depression on the portside winch.  The little guy immediately began to drink. 

Back on watch, just before sundown, I watched the small light brown finch land in Ed’s beard.  “He’s getting quite friendly,” Ed said as he gently shook his head preventing his new friend from getting too chummy.  As I sat behind the helm, I felt a flutter on my shoulder.  Sure enough the tiny bird was perched there.  A slight breeze ruffled its feathers while it bobbed its head up and down, back and forth before zooming in on a spider. 

When dusk settled over the ocean, the small bird again found a spot to roost for the night.  The stars filled the sky with brilliance uninterrupted by man-made light. I watched for ships and meteors.   I talked with two commercial fishing boats on the VHF to make sure we would not come too close in the night.

After I while I watched the bright lights of the phosphorescence blink and ride the crest of the wake left when Imagine plowed through the sea.  As I looked behind, I noticed two soft red spots on the Eastern horizon.   The radar didn’t show any ship from that location. 

I began to feel a bit nervous as I see the red glow getting larger.  Suddenly the puzzle comes together.  It is a new crescent moon rising out of the sea.  It is scarlet orange, reflecting from a sun that won’t rise for several hours.  The moon continues to rise. The seas are picking up and Imagine begins to roll and pitch with the waves. I go below for a much needed rest.

Back on watch at 5:00 a.m., I look forward to watching the sunrise and our little hitchhiker as he begins what I’ve termed, “entertainment for the watch.”  The sun rises among grey bands of clouds hovering over the horizon. I notice our little friend is not moving.   I begin to fear the worse, which is confirmed after I gingerly touch our wayward hitchhiker.  Maybe birds get seasick?  Maybe the rolling boat was too much? I will probably never know what happened to our little friend.  I’m sad.  At the same time I am blessed that we had this up close and personal experience with one of God’s creatures.  As my friend Michele said later, “You can’t buy that experience in a store.”

Imagine is only a few hours from it’s destination.  In the ocean off St. Augustine, the wind is picking up.  The seas are getting larger.  In pitching seas we turn into the wind and flake the mainsail.   Imagine turns circles in the channel before the Bridge of Lions waiting in queue for the next opening.   The drawbridge opens and within minutes, Imagine is secured to a mooring ball.

Porpoises leaping out and over the waves, dolphins swimming in our wake, lights in the night… ships, stars and phosphorescence, old friends, and a one small feathered hitchhiker joined us on this leg of the unpaved road.  Who knows what adventure we will find as we continue down this watery road?

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